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christina magalhaes

Cristina L. Magalhães, PhD, is professor of clinical psychology and director in the Clinical Psychology PsyD Program of the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. She is a licensed psychologist in the state of California since 2010; a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida since 2003; and a registered psychologist in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil since 1991. Dr. Magalhães is also coordinator of Alliant’s Rockway Certificate in LGBTQ Mental Health.

In her role as clinician, Dr. Magalhães is a general practitioner with special training in anxiety and trauma-related disorders, substance use problems, health promotion, and child/family interventions. She has experience working with clients across the life span and in a variety of clinical settings, including hospital, community mental health, foster care, shelter, and private practice. As an educator, she is invested in teaching clinical skills in psychodiagnostics, multiculturalism, health psychology, and multiple approaches to treatment. Her current research interests center on gender diversity and issues impacting LGBTQ people, with a focus on transgender women. Her early research was in the areas of cross-cultural personality assessment and test development.

Professional Interests
  • Anxiety, stress, resilience, and coping
  • Complementary health practices
  • Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback
  • Trauma psychology
  • LGBTQ psychology
  • Immigration psychology
  • Cross-cultural assessment
  • Trans-theoretical approaches to child and adult treatment.
Education and Certifications
  • Formacao de Psicologo, Faculdade Maria Thereza (Brazil)
  • M.S., Clinical Psychology, Nova Southeastern University
  • Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Nova Southeastern University
  • Licenciatura em Psicologia, Faculdade Maria Thereza (Brazil)
  • Advanced Psychopathology
  • Intercultural Processes
  • Multicultural Psychology
  • LGBTQ People of Color Issues
  • Intersections of Diversity in LGBTQ Populations
  • Advanced Studies in Lesbian Issues
  • Integrative Case Conceptualization
  • Counseling Theories and Interventions
  • Art Therapy in Diverse Contexts
  • Child Therapy in Diverse Contexts
  • Child and Adolescent Development
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Magalhães, C. L. (2020). John E. Exner, Jr. In B. J. Carducci (Editor-in-Chief & Vol Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: Vol. II. Research methods and assessment techniques. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Magalhães, C. L., & Sumner, L, A. (2020). Responsibilities of testing professionals. In B. J. Carducci (Editor-in-Chief & Vol Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of personality and individual differences: Vol. II. Research methods and assessment techniques. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Magalhães, C. L., & Magalhães, E. (2017). "Gender dysphoria." In K. Nadal (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender (pp. 651-654). Sage Publication, Inc. doi:
  • Magalhães, C. L., & Magalhães, E. (2017). "Gender dysphoria: Lifespan perspectives." In A. Wenzel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Abnormal Psychology (pp. 1533-1535). Sage Publication, Inc. doi:
  • Magalhães, C. L., Brodt, M., & Punzo, J. (2016). "Competent care for transgender and gender non-conforming people is trauma-informed." Trauma Psychology News, 11(3), 5-8. Retrieved from…
  • Anhalt, K., Sprott, R. A., Magalhães, C. L., Keo-Meier, C., Rosenbaum, L., & Varjas, K. (2016). "The resolution on gender and sexual orientation diversity in children and adolescents in schools: An illustration of psychology’s commitment to all our nation’s students." Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 3(4), 448-452. Retrieved from
  • Anhalt, K., Magalhães, C. L., & Klotz, M. B. (2015). "The resolution on gender and sexual orientation diversity in children and adolescents in schools.” NASP Communiqué, 44(3). Retrieved from…
  • Magalhães, C. L. (2015). Review of “Sexual Orientation at Work: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives.” Journal of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2(2), 205-206.
  • Magalhaes, C., Montgomery, D., Magalhaes, E., & Ngin, J. (2014). "Physiological monitoring and biofeedback-assisted relaxation training for panic disorder in a case of complex developmental trauma." Clinical Case Studies, 13(3), 231-249. doi:10.1177/1534650113507745
  • Magalhaes, C., Magalhaes, E., Noblitt, R., & Lewis, J. (2012). "The development and reliability of a Brazilian-Portuguese version of the MCMI-III." Psychological Reports, 110(3), 991-10001. doi: 10.2466/09.03.08.PR0.110.3.991-1001
  • Katz, D., & Magalhaes, C. (May 2010). "Current controversies in transgender psychology: Increasing diversity awareness." The California Psychologist, 43(3), 10-13.
  • Magalhaes, C., Magalhaes, E., & Lewis, J. (2010). "The Brazilian-Portuguese MCMI-III: Diagnostic validity of the alcohol dependence and drug dependence scales." Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences, 5, 1482-1489.
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